Marketplace Project

This project was developed to create an e-commerce platform where users can buy and sell products. Here, we provide an overview of the technologies used, how to set up the development environment, and how to run the project.

The Marketplace Project is a full-stack application that allows users to browse, list, and purchase products. It was developed using a variety of modern technologies to ensure a smooth user experience and a robust back-end.

Technologies Used
  • ReactJS: Used for building the user interface.
  • Framer Motion: Animation library for React, used to add fluid animations and interactions to application components, providing an engaging visual experience.
  • Vite: Build tool that provides a fast and efficient development environment for React projects. Vite improves performance and facilitates development with HMR (Hot Module Replacement).
  • NodeJS: Server-side JavaScript runtime, used to create an efficient and scalable back-end.
  • Express: Framework for NodeJS that simplifies the construction of RESTful APIs. Used to manage server routes and middlewares.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system used to store product, user, and transaction information. Chosen for its performance, scalability, and robustness.
Other Technologies
  • API Rest: Architecture used for communication between the front-end and back-end, facilitating data manipulation between the client and server.
  • GIT/GitHub: Version control system used to manage the project's source code. GitHub is used to store and collaborate on the repository.
  • Jest: Testing framework used to ensure code quality and system reliability. Jest facilitates the creation of unit tests for components and functions.
Project Images

Add some images here that show the project in action.

My Role
  • FullStack Developer
  • Website Design
  • UX Design
  • Photography


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